Aluminum: So Flexible it can be Used Almost Anywhere

Aluminum is everywhere, and for a good reason. We can see it in the frame of our cell phones, car, and appliances. Chances are, you are using an electronic device made out of aluminum even to read this blog! Aluminum is this widely used for many reasons, including its reliability, lightweight nature, and malleability.

Starting last summer, I have been in flight training to earn my private pilot’s license. Not only is it fun and relaxing, but also enriching. Through my endeavor, I have learned a lot about the world around us and the value of safety. Aluminum, for example, is a material that helps keep millions of flyers safe every year. Aluminum’s reliability makes it a very attractive material within the transportation industry. Airplanes, cars, ships, and trains are all made out of aluminum because engineers know that aluminum’s properties, such as corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, and ductility, make it a reliable material.

One of the most defining characteristics of aluminum is its lightweight nature. Aluminum is not only used in the transportation sector for its reliability, but also because it is light. When it comes to transportation, mass is key. Every gram that is spent building the structure of the vehicle, is one less gram of payload capacity. Aluminum is what allows the common man to own a car and is a major reason that the aviation industry can even exist at all. Aluminum is so lightweight, in fact, that when I overshot the parking spot on my first flight lesson, my instructor and I got out of the airplane, and easily pushed it back to where it was supposed to be.

Finally, aluminum is such a useful material because of its malleability. Since aluminum can be molded into so many shapes, we can see aluminum in many common household items, such as cans or silverware. The process for making an aluminum beverage can is shown in this video, by engineerguy.

In short, the versatility provided by aluminum’s malleability allows it to be used almost anywhere. Overall, aluminum is one of my favorite materials because it is not only easy to work with and reliable, but also lightweight.


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