Aerogels: a “Supercritical” Material

I first stumbled upon Aerogels through the internet (again). I watched a video created by NileRed in which he created an aerogel in his laboratory. Intrigued by the unique properties, I pursued more research about the material. To me, the two most interesting properties of Aerogels are their low density and insulative properties.

The most noticeable property of Aerogels is their low density. Ranging from only three to fifteen times heavier than air (yes, air), Aerogels are the perfect material for fields in which weight reduction is imperative, such as the transportation and construction industries. In both industries, weight reduction allows for more ambitious goals, such as a car with a longer range or a skyscraper that is taller than ever before.

However, the less widely known property of Aerogels is their insulative properties. Aerogels are some of the best insulators known to man. Aerogels are very useful when it comes to acoustic or thermal insulation. There are many different uses for insulation, but one that comes to mind for me is airline insulation. Modern airplanes are put through many harsh conditions, such as a cold environment at higher altitudes or a loud environment due to their engines. A material that can insulate both temperature and sound can be very useful for airplanes to lose weight, therefore extending their range, improving fuel economy, and lessening environmental impact.

However, Aerogels also have a few drawbacks. Two of the most significant challenges that Aerogel faces currently are cost and ductility. Generally, Aerogels are expensive to produce (due to the manufacturing process, most commonly relying on supercritical drying), and also brittle (due to their structure). However, I believe that with time, both of these drawbacks can be minimized. I believe that at some point in the future, Aerogels can be used in a composite to couple the unique properties of Aerogel with the strength of another material to create an Aerogel suitable for the mass market. I also believe that with time, more efficient manufacturing and economies of scale can bring the price of Aerogels reasonable for the mass market.


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